The anatomy of a Boundary.
The areas which make up the main shapes in your mesh are normally relatively simple constructs. The entirety of your model is made of of several of these and they are connected together by boundaries.
A boundary exists when you have decided that the extension of a shape is not curvature. it is a change of direction which needs an edge or a corner.
A boundary normally consists of one holding loop at the edge of a local geometry, then a control loop which defines the sharpness of the transition, then a structural loop defining the base shape, then another control loop to control the curvature at the other side of the edge and finally another holding loop defining the edge of the next local geometry.

The loops which make up a boundary
Keeping to this logical format you can model and control literally anything which can exist in the real world with relative ease. The exceptions are smoke, fire, particles, gases and fluids - which are handled through simulation rather than modelling.