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Panel Beating.



When the resolution of a local geometry is high, as is often required in vehicle design, it is necessary to employ techniques which can "cubically interpolate" between the vertices available in order to create a flow which respects visual fidelity.  Mistakes within a local geometry can easily be corrected using "panel beating" and detail can be added or removed at a bigger or smaller resolution than exists within your mesh using the "curve" tool which can be found in "Loop Tools".


Loop Tools is an add-on which comes with blender but is not enabled by default. It is one of the most powerful additions to blenders tool set and should always be enabled.


The video about panel beating describes the basics of the use of the curve tool and should provide some good insight in getting started with this technique.


Panel Beating (Cubic Interpolation)



An extension to "panel beating is called "Apex modelling". The same principles are used but more control over curvature is achieved by selecting points surrounding the target peaks of your curves. It also allows the cubic interpolation to flow between local geometries, through boundaries.


It is easier to demonstrate than describe so I will make a video covering it soon!



©2023 by Ian McGlasham

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